Monthly Archives: July 2022

Tropical Milkweed in North Florida

Tropical milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) has been in the news recently.  It can be a host plant for Ophryocystis elektroscirra (OE), a parasite of monarch butterflies (Danus plexippus).  Boiled down, milkweed is a host plant for monarchs which carry the OE parasite.  The butterfly deposits OE when they land on the plant to lay eggs.  Newly hatched monarchs…

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Mangoes are the King of Fruits

Mangoes are the king of fruits.  Of all the fruits in the world, the mango reigns supreme. Mangoes are grown throughout the frost-free world for their juicy, sweet fruits. There are thousands of mango varieties. Mangoes can be large or small, green, yellow, red, or even purple. They can taste like ice cream, peach cobbler,…

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