Life can be full of wonderful experiences. Falling is not among them.

Mary Sue Koeppel gazing out a window. Photo taken 08-13-15. UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones.

There is nothing pleasant about losing a sense of control, panicking while searching for a way to stabilize oneself, then feeling all kinds of pain after landing on the ground.

A flurry of worrying questions may emerge in the aftermath of a fall.

What’s going on with me? Did I break anything? Am I going to be all right? What do I do now?

Fall risk can increase with age and lack of exercise. A recent Ask IFAS publication walks readers through several beginner-level exercises that are meant to help them maintain or improve balance, strength, and flexibility.

Elderly person receiving assistance from a caregiver with everyday tasks. UF/IFAS Photo by Marisol Amador.

This publication is part of a larger series on fall prevention. Other articles in this series discuss determining fall riskidentifying possible fall hazards at home, and decreasing the chance of additional injury after a fall.

For more information on physical activity through all stages of lifehealth and well-being, and safety in the home, remember to Ask IFAS.

by Amanda Quintos

Source: UF/IFAS Pest Alert

Note: All images and contents are the property of UF/IFAS.

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