News & Updates

Pollinators: it’s not all about the bees

Do you enjoy a hot cup of coffee in the morning? Or a perfectly ripe watermelon for dessert? Perhaps a tasty blueberry, strawberry, and banana smoothie? If so, then thank a pollinator. Pollinators play a vital role in supporting commercial food production. Approximately 75% of food crops depend on pollination to some extent, but pollinators…

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Cover Crops for Citrus

Cover crops protect the soil from sunlight, wind, and heavy rain, which enhances soil microbial populations and improves soil structure, water infiltration, and root penetration. Reduced soil crusting, erosion, runoff, and nutrient leaching are further advantages. Through improved nitrogen cycling and nutrient retention, cover crops increase soil fertility. Row crop producers frequently employ cover crops…

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Does your Irrigation Make Sense, WaterSense?

Does your irrigation system make sense? Are your sprinklers working for you or against you in your mission to irrigate efficiently? Luckily, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has created a label to distinguish water-efficient products as a resource for helping you save water! So when you are shopping around for irrigation-related products, look for…

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Fall Vegetable Gardening Series Starting Soon

Fall and winter in Central Florida are the best times of year to grow vegetables in the garden! We have a series of virtual classes coming up, beginning with Planning Your Best Fall Vegetable Garden Ever on September 27 at 10:00am. Free registration is at:…/tJIkdOqtrTMrHN2z60QgCRSV43s0uiL4JekZ Other classes include: Oct.4- Winter Vegetable Pests and How to…

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September is National Food Safety Month

      Washing a tomato under running water above a kitchen sink. [CREDIT: UF/IFAS Extension] September has been designated as National Food Safety Education Month by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And, even though the United States has one of the safest food supplies in the world, according to the U.S. Food and…

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Discovering Dissolved Oxygen

We all know how important oxygen is to all life.  It is an element with the atomic number of 8, meaning it has eight protons and eight electrons.  It has an atomic mass of 16 indicating that it also has eight neutrons.  Oxygen is a gas at room temperature indicating that 70°F is VERY hot…

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Hurricane Prep for Farms

  Is your farm or ranch prepared for hurricane season? It is important to consider hurricane prep for farms before the storm. As the 2022 hurricane season starts at a leisurely pace, there’s talk of what the rest of the season holds.  Taking a proactive approach to disaster planning can help your farm or ranch weather…

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